
Tulip Shakur Wallpaper

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Tulip Shakur was created out of paper cut outs! Playful and sophisticated, this wallpaper is absolutely gorgeous and will transform your space. This wallpaper is both easy to apply and easy to remove, it's an amazing way to cheer up a room, a book case, or put the garden in the loo! This material is not peel and stick, it's more like an old fashioned stamp. The paper is wetted with water to activate the adhesive on the back. Place the paper on the wall, smooth with a sponge, and voila!

The repeat for this design is 24" X 24" inches.

Wallpaper orders take 14-21 days to complete.


Fully removable wallpaper | PVC-free paper, durable and eco-friendly | Self-adhesive: soak in water and apply.